Your artisan flowers are grown without the use of chemical fertilisers or pesticides and, unlike commercially grown varieties, they haven't been treated with any preservative. Preservative can hinder a flower's natural desire to open and release its perfume.
Your flowers are picked to order to ensure that they are as fresh as possible when you receive them.
I expect your flowers to look beautiful for 5 days and some varieties will last for significantly longer. There are a few additional things you can do at home to help lengthen their vase life.
To help your flowers last as long as possible, be sure that your container is sparkling clean and filled with plenty of fresh water. After a couple of days, trim each stem and ensure that there are no leaves that will now sit below the water level. Continue to refresh the water every couple of days.
Keep your flowers out of strong light, so away from bright windowsills, away from a direct heat source and also away from the fruit bowl.
The packaging of your flowers may include biodegradable cellophane which can be composted. The paper, cardboard or glass jars can all be recycled.
Please consider our beautiful environment and reuse, recycle or compost all the packaging.